1.British economy has been ____________ (衰退) since 1960s.
2.Nothing would satisfy her ____________ (贪婪) for power.
3.It makes me sad that some people ____________ (犯罪) crimes and never get punished.
4.He felt ____________ (气馁) because of all the criticism he’d received.
5.My brother is ____________ (喜爱) of pointing out my mistakes.
6.After the earthquake, the city ____________ (像) a battlefield.
7.There can be no excuse for any further ____________ (耽搁).
8.As a consequence of smoking, my father coughs ____________ (频繁).
9.Her moods were very ____________ (易变的), now laughing loudly, and then sunk in despair.
10.Rosa Parks challenged the unjust ____________ (分离;分开) of people on the basis of skin color.
Do You Have the Time? In English, this question has two different meanings. The first one is “Do you know what time it is?” While commonly, this is less frequently used than the simpler question with the same meaning “What time is it?” The other is “Do you have the time (e.g.to do this or that)?” This is a very commonly asked question, whether in American, British, or Australian English. I think the response “I don't have the time” is most commonly used year after year. _1.
Think about how often you (and I) have used this as an explanation of why we couldn't do something, take on a new task, help someone, visit someone, etc. Sometimes it's a statement of fact, and sometimes it's just an excuse. 2. However, deep down we each have a pretty clear idea of the difference. In practical terms, the lack of available time seems to be and often is a true reason for why we cannot take something on. 3. “I just don't have the time” is too often an escape. Once we get to a certain age, when we are generally considered to be grown?ups, we are expected to have developed time management skills. In many instances, “I don't have the time” has the same meaning as “I am not willing to make the time”. Sure, we're all busy, but in the end, it's a matter of which is more important.
4. It doesn't grow on trees or fall from the sky like raindrops. You make the time as well as most of the related decisions about what is important. 5. If you don't decide on the use of your time, the decision will be taken away from you. It's really up to us to decide on how to balance and manage time, and that's a challenge.