Eccentrics are people who have an unusual or odd personality, set of beliefs, or behavior pattern. They may or may not comprehend the standards for normal behavior in their culture. They simply don’t care about the society’s disapproval of their habits or beliefs.
Once considered socially unacceptable, eccentric people have been found to possess some positive characteristics. 1. They often have more curiosity about the world and, in many cases, are contentedly obsessed by hobbies and interests. 2. They live in a world of their own and do not worry about what others think of them. So they are usually less restricted and therefore more carefree in forming new ideas.
3. Statistics show they visit their doctors less—about once in eight to nine years, which is 20 times less than the average person. This could be partly due to their innate traits such as humor and happiness. 4. This may explain why eccentrics are, on the whole, healthier.
Psychologists therefore suggest that we pay attention to those who do not conform. It could be our aunt who has been raising pet lizards. 5. Their crazy hobby or strange sense of humor is what keeps them going. Eccentric people may seem odd, but they will likely live a happier and healthier life because they enjoy what they are doing. In fact, many of history’s most brilliant minds have displayed some unusual behaviors and habits.
A.Eccentrics are also found to be healthier.
B.According to a recent study in England, eccentrics are more creative.
C.Or it could be our best friend’s brother who wears shorts to a formal dance.
D.People may have eccentric taste in clothes, or have eccentric hobbies.
E.Psychologists also find that eccentric people do not follow conventions.
F.Such personal traits are found to play an important role in boosting the body’s immune system.
G.Psychologist Dr David Weeks mentions people with a mental illness “suffer” from their behavior while eccentrics are quite happy.
—It was a wonderful trip. So, which city did you like better, Paris or Rome?
—______. There were good things and bad things about them.