Five Ways Animals Help Us Live a Happier life
Have you ever thought about the role of pets on this planet? They are not just animals; they’re creatures of God that make us feel happier in this world.There are several way pets can help us live a happier life.
Pets are the most devoted creatures
1. Old and wise people often joke that if you want to find a real friend and be sure that they’ll never betray(背叛you, then start keeping a pet.
They teach us to become better
Pets are very sensitive and wise creatures. 2. Unlike people, animals don’t create problems out of nothing. They are free of negative thoughts and inner pain. Their pure hearts are made for loving their owners. People should learn to love, care and smile selflessly, like their pets usually do.
It may seem strange, but pets have the power to heal both physical and mental human disorders. Thousands of real stories prove their healing ability. It’s scientifically proved that many pets, especially cats can feel the emotions of their owners and soothe physical and mental pain.
They make us more organized
I must confess that several years ago I was a bit unorganized person. 4. When Johnson appeared in my life, I became more organized, because I felt myself responsible for his life. All kinds of pets require a lot of attention and care. That’s why their owners should be more active in order to bring up a wonderful and healthy pet.
Pets can feel danger and save us
The research proves that pets can feel danger in advance. Pets begin to behave strange when they feel danger, trying to give their owners a sign that something terrible is going to happen. 5.
A. Whenever you are in a bad mood, pets are always there for you.
B. If you’re a responsible person, but suffer from lack of self-organization, then keep a pet.
C. I found it difficult to manage my time and life according to the schedule.
D. Pets can heal the wounds of our soul and body
E. Nowadays I meet more and more people totally disappointed in human friendship and love.
F. It seems to me that they know the truth of life.
G. That’s why owners should be more attentive to notice the signs given by their pets